AnyFlip Software Review – Free Flip Book Maker


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When visiting the AnyFlip website, you are greeted with an image that showcases various flipbooks on a virtual bookcase, which you can embed into your site from within the program. They offer both HTML5 and Flash free flip book maker options:


There is also an option to download the free flip book maker as a desktop program, an app or simply use it within a browser. When searching for the app on an iPhone, it could not be found and so after clicking the link via Safari on the iPhone, it is discovered that the AnyFlip app is only available on the iPad.

Desktop Program

We downloaded the Mac desktop program for free to try out its free flip book maker features and ease of use. Upon installation, we selected “Demo” to check out a PDF that had already been converted. It was actually the manual for the program, which has been built by FlipBuilder.

The interface looks like this:


It prides itself in having only three steps:

  • Import PDF
  • Edit the pages and the template settings
  • Export PDF

Within step 2, there is a lot you can do, including having a character point at your flipbook and talk too! We thought we would test it out since it’s supposedly that easy. We decided to use our article on the 5 most popular flipbook software.

We used an Albert Einstein-style voice and animation to narrate the flipbook. He is probably one of the more annoying voices they have, but it was worth it for the effect.

You could not export the AnyFlip flipbook without having a premium account, so no saving locally. However, we could upload it to the free online account which has cloud storage, but this caused us to lose poor Albert and his voice narration. You can see what we created in just a couple of minutes though:

Title: Our

They have some cool examples online of previous flipbooks that have been created and a nice one that demonstrates how you can make PDFs for children more interactive can be seen here:

You can also explore all the latest flipbooks that others are creating right this moment with the AnyFlip free flip book maker! You can use this for inspiration to see what other things you can turn into flipbooks. Right now (at the time of publishing this article), there is a brochure for a design agency that discusses the importance of branding and a menu from a restaurant. Both businesses have chosen to display ordinary material in a stylish flipbook format, creating more impact as a result.

Title: Design

Last modified: May 7, 2024

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