Essentially, an online flipbook is an interactive way of displaying any kind of content, especially magazines, brochures, e-books, etc. It is compatible with any kind of device, whether it be a smartphone, tablet, or computer, making it extremely versatile and appropriate for the digital world that we live in. But what makes an online flipbook so special? We have plenty of e-books and can easily read PDFs on our phones, so why an online flipbook? Well, in a nutshell, flipbooks make reading much more fun! Plain PDFs are so boring and there is no interaction involved; an online flipbook actually makes you feel like you are reading a real magazine. Create your online flipbook with Yumpu Publishing for free now.
As a consumer – why should we love the online flipbook?
Imagine you are going on holiday and you want to take a bunch of magazines to read, but your hand luggage (and your shoulders) can only take so much. It would be amazing if you could have them all stored in your phone so you don’t end up paying excess baggage fees! You may be thinking that your phone is too small to see all the articles and you may be right, so have them on your tablet instead! The new iPad Pro is a phenomenal device and with 12.9 inches of a retina display, pixel-perfect screen, your magazines are going to look even more amazing than in real life!

Also, when reading an online flipbook, all the links are interactive and there are even videos embedded, so you actually capture more than in a physical magazine. You can shop for items you see in the adverts simply by clicking on them. It makes the magazine reading experience a whole different ball game.
It’s not just magazines too, anything can be converted into a flipbook and displayed in this fashion. Imagine you are studying for a big exam but you have to go away for the weekend – taking all your books is going to be a massive chore. However, if they are all stored as flipbooks, they can all be stored on one device. Many people love flipping through an actual book and miss this page-turning action when using e-books, which is why flipbooks are superior. You get the beauty of the page flipping, but the benefit of versatility and portability.
As a business – why would we bother converting to an online flipbook?
We just explained a few benefits to the consumer, so as a business, why wouldn’t you want to make life easier for your customers?
There are also other circumstances in which it would be a no-brainer to use flipbooks: if you have a product catalog for your business and you distribute it as a PDF, you can convert this to a much more interactive flipbook! The products could even be linked directly to pages on your website, enabling your customers to make a sale directly from your online flipbook!
Check out this company’s product catalogue – they have chosen to create one where you physically drag the pages in order to turn the page of the flipbook, so it is very similar to what you would do in real life.
Here is another company that has chosen to display their products as an online flipbook, but they allowed for automatic flipping.
Whatever your industry, you should definitely care about flipbooks, as they are a really effective way to display your content and it is so easy to do! We will check out the various software that is out there to help you create great flipbooks.

Last modified: May 7, 2024